You’re done with diets and restriction but now what?
Does it feel scary or confusing to leave diet and food rules behind? It doesn’t have to be! Intuitive Eating counseling is a supportive way to explore your beliefs about food, movement, and your body and start taking steps towards a peaceful relationship with food and your body.
Feeling confident and relaxed about your food choices.
Actually ENJOYING food.
Less time spent in your head about your food choices.
Ending the struggle with your body and truly taking care of yourself.
No more weight cycling (weight going up and down drastically).
More time for things you value like family, friendships, and the pursuit of non-diet and exercise related hobbies.
Intuitive Eating is
An evidence-based framework with 10 principles that guide you towards a healthier relationship with food, physical activity, and your body, developed by two Registered Dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. Together we’ll work through the 10 principles and you’ll learn how to apply them to your life!
Intuitive Eating isn’t
A diet, giving up on yourself or letting yourself go, an excuse to
Is Intuitive eating right for you?
Do you:
Feel fed up with diets, food rules, and feeling stressed about eating?
Want to learn how to eat normally?
Want to stop obsessing about food all the time?
Want to learn how to practice self-compassion and self-care and stop mentally beating yourself up all the time?
Have been in recovery from an eating disorder and are ready to transition from meal plans to intuitive eating?
The benefits of Intuitive eating
To date, there are over 100 studies on Intuitive Eating showing many benefits including:
Better body image
Higher self-esteem
Decreased rates of disordered eating
Lower LDL cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure
Improved metabolism
Increased quality of life
What to expect from intuitive eating counseling
You might be thinking “Intuitive Eating sounds great but where do I even start?” Well, you’re in the right place! When you sign up for my 4 month Intuitive Eating package you will have a roadmap to healing your relationship with food and your body along with my support each step of the way.
Here’s an outline of what it looks like:
Intuitive Eating Assessment to see where you currently are with your relationship with food.
Body Image Assessment.
1 hour initial appointment.
Biweekly 45 minute follow up appointments.
Private messaging in between sessions for additional support.
Resources to help support your journey, including book recommendations, articles, and podcast episodes.
How is Intuitive Eating Counseling different than just reading Intuitive Eating and/or working through the workbook myself?
Reading Intuitive Eating is wonderful and I absolutely recommend it, but many of my clients have said that reading and intellectually understanding Intuitive Eating is a lot different from actually investing in the time and space to really apply the principles and receive support and feedback during the process.
How long does it take to become an intuitive eater/have a healthy relationship with food?